25 Times People Tried to Turn Their Photo into a Cartoon Using AI and Ended Up with Hilarious Results

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we edit photos, offering a wide range of tools that can transform images in fascinating ways. One of the most popular trends has been turning photos into cartoons using AI-powered apps and software. While these tools can create impressive and artistic results, sometimes the outcomes are hilariously off the mark. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at 25 times people tried to cartoonize their photos using AI and ended up with results that are more laughable than lovable.

1. The Picasso Effect

A man uploaded a standard portrait photo, expecting a charming cartoon version. Instead, the AI gave him a face that looked like a Picasso painting gone wrong. His eyes were mismatched, and his nose seemed to have taken a walk across his face.

2. Alien Eyes

A woman tried to cartoonize a selfie and ended up with eyes that were way too large and far apart, making her look like a friendly alien from a children’s TV show.

3. The Mysterious Smile

One user’s AI-generated cartoon turned their smile into a cryptic smirk, as if they were hiding a secret or planning something mischievous. The expression didn’t match the original photo at all!

4. The Hair Disaster

A man with short hair attempted to use AI to create a cartoon version of himself. The AI, however, decided that he needed long, flowing locks that resembled spaghetti more than hair.

5. The Vanishing Nose

Another user found that their nose had all but disappeared in the cartoon version, leaving them looking like a character straight out of a horror movie.

6. Overly Enthusiastic Expressions

A woman tried to make her smiling photo into a cartoon, but the AI exaggerated her smile to the point where it looked like she was grinning from ear to ear in a very unsettling way.

7. The Unintentional Anime Character

One person’s cartoon version made them look like a character from an anime, complete with enormous eyes and exaggerated facial features. It was charming but entirely unexpected.

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8. Square Jawline Surprise

A user with a soft, rounded face ended up with a square, chiseled jawline in their AI cartoon. It was as if the AI had decided they needed a superhero makeover.

9. The Ghostly Figure

A person tried to cartoonize a group photo, but the AI turned one member of the group into a ghostly figure with no defined features, just a blurred outline.

10. The Eye-Popping Effect

A man’s cartoon version came back with eyes that were so enlarged, it looked like they were about to pop out of his head. Needless to say, it was not the flattering look he was going for.

11. The Blurry Mess

One user received a cartoon that was so blurry, it was hard to tell what it was supposed to be. The AI seemed to have gotten confused and blended everything into an unrecognizable mush.

12. The Lipstick Fiasco

A woman’s AI cartoon decided she needed bright red lipstick, even though she wasn’t wearing any in the original photo. The result was more clownish than cartoonish.

13. The Double Chin Disaster

A user who didn’t have a double chin in real life found that the AI had generously added one in their cartoon version, much to their dismay.

14. The Eyebrow Experiment

One person’s AI cartoon gave them eyebrows that were comically large and arched, making them look permanently surprised.

15. The Color Confusion

A user with blonde hair received a cartoon version with bright purple hair. The AI apparently decided to get creative with color choices, leading to a laughably inaccurate result.

16. The Super-Sized Head

A child’s photo turned into a cartoon that made their head disproportionately large compared to their body, resulting in a bobblehead-like appearance.

17. The Missing Ear

One unfortunate cartoon had a person’s ear completely missing, making them look like a character from a surrealist painting rather than a cartoon.

18. The Nose Job

A user’s AI cartoon gave them an exaggeratedly long nose, making them look like a character from a children’s book about a certain wooden boy who lies a lot.

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19. The Emotionless Stare

One person’s AI cartoon removed all emotion from their face, leaving them with a blank, soulless stare that was more creepy than cute.

20. The Pouty Lips

A man’s cartoon version gave him lips that were ridiculously pouty, making him look like he was about to give a kiss to the entire world.

21. The Mismatched Face

A user’s AI cartoon combined features from different people, giving them eyes, nose, and mouth that didn’t quite belong together. The result was a mismatched face that was comically bizarre.

22. The Cartoon That Grew a Beard

A woman’s AI cartoon decided she needed a beard, even though she didn’t have one in real life. The unexpected addition made her look more like a lumberjack than a lady.

23. The Shrinking Head

One user found that their AI cartoon had shrunk their head to half its normal size, leaving them with a body that was way too big for their tiny cartoon head.

24. The Dali Effect

A man’s AI cartoon version looked like it had been inspired by Salvador Dalí, with melting facial features that dripped off his face like in one of Dalí’s famous paintings.

25. The Unrecognizable Cartoon

Finally, a person’s AI cartoon was so far off from the original photo that they were left wondering if the AI had used a completely different picture. It was unrecognizable, yet undeniably hilarious.


AI-powered tools can create amazing cartoon versions of photos, but as these 25 examples show, they can also produce some hilariously unexpected results. Whether it’s a case of mismatched facial features, bizarre color choices, or exaggerated expressions, these AI cartoons serve as a reminder that technology, while impressive, still has a way to go before it can perfectly mimic human creativity. In the meantime, we can all enjoy the laughs that come from these AI-generated mishaps.