What is Hijama? Why should it be done? What is its connection with Ruqyah?


Many people ask, “What is hijama?” and “What is the relationship between hijama and ruqyah?” Today’s article is for them.

After performing ruqyah for a long time, hijama may still be necessary for better results. Hijama can be done for physical health even without ruqyah. Ruqyah is the practice of reciting verses from the Quran and supplications to treat afflictions such as jinn possession, magic, evil eye, and waswasah (whispers).

Hijama is a prophetic form of treatment that benefits physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It plays an essential and effective role in conjunction with ruqyah when treating conditions like magic or sihr. Therefore, there is a significant connection between ruqyah and hijama.

For issues like the evil eye, ruqyah is necessary to eliminate its effects. Similarly, ruqyah might also be needed for magic-related problems, which can cause various physical and mental changes. These symptoms should be checked, and ruqyah should be performed accordingly.

What is Hijama? Why Should You Do It? What’s Its Relationship with Ruqyah?

A Detailed Discussion on Hijama:

  1. What is Hijama?
    Hijama is one of the Sunnah (prophetic) treatments that is scientifically validated. It contributes to the overall physical, mental, and spiritual health of a person. It is also a part of Unani and Ayurvedic medicine, known as cupping therapy in English.
  2. The Process of Hijama:
    Hijama is an ancient treatment method. In the past, bamboo or animal horns were used for this treatment. Nowadays, blood is drawn from specific parts of the body using glass or plastic cups to remove impure blood, providing relief and a sense of calmness.
  3. Why Should You Do Hijama?
    Healthy people can also perform hijama as it boosts immunity along with promoting health. Just as you visit a doctor for illnesses and undergo surgery if needed, similarly, for issues like physical ailments or magic, hijama can be performed to gain healing, and you will also be practicing a Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH).
  4. What Does Modern Medicine Say About Hijama?
    Modern medicine doesn’t reject hijama as ineffective or harmful but rather supports it as a complementary treatment. The Prophet (PBUH) declared hijama as the best form of treatment.
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Important Hadiths Regarding Hijama:

  • The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Indeed, there is healing in hijama.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2205)
  • The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The best person is the one who performs hijama, as it removes bad blood, strengthens the spine, and improves eyesight.” (Sunan Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 2053)

How Does Hijama Work?

Hijama extracts contaminated blood, bacteria, and harmful fluids from the body, which helps in treating infectious and non-infectious diseases. It improves the immune system, boosts blood circulation, and removes toxins.